We are committed

“Since our beginnings in 2004, people have always played an important role in the company.

In 2019, the whole company was keen to put the environment at the centre of our thinking. This took concrete form in 2020, when we carried out a carbon assessment with the GoodPlanet Foundation. We were already aware that our activity was contributing to global warming, and this enabled us to take a concrete measure of our scope for improvement.

In 2022, after committing ourselves to a process comprising training, self-assessment, an external audit and a 3-year progress plan, we were awarded the Sustainable IT label.

Our work on this subject has only just begun, because we want to bring about a lasting change in our practices and encourage our customers to take part in this approach. This is the key to ensuring that this corporate project has meaning and a measurable impact.

Transparency and collaboration are essential if we are to make progress on these issues, so the aim of this page is to share our actions with you!”

HR and CSR Manager

A company committed to its people

  • 🧘 Well-being at work encouraged : an office manager, comfortable premises that encourage creativity and collaboration and are ideally located, convivial moments (seminars, themed evenings organised by the CSE, Christmas tree, etc.), a well-run and comprehensive onboarding for new employees👋
  • 🌺Commitment to cultural diversity (we don’t just recruit people from Brittany 😉), gender parity and equality (47% 👩 / 53% 👨 & F/H equality index of 96/100) and the employment of disabled workers (awareness-raising campaigns on disability in the workplace).
  • ⚖️ Work/life balance : right to disconnect charter, 2 days dedicated to teleworking per week, part-time working (parental leave, employee’s life choice).
  • 🚀 Supporting employees in their careers : internal mobility and development, training, retraining.
    💸 Employee benefits : 12 RTT/year or compensatory time off, assistance with soft mobility, luncheon voucher card, top-quality company health insurance, holiday vouchers, holiday bonus, foodtrucks and weekly fruit delivery.

A company shaped by its people

  • Participative management in place since Digitaleo’s inception.
  • Mission and 5-year vision shared by all.
  • Values defined in a participative manner.
  • Open social dialogue with an active works council.
  • Profit-sharing agreement to redistribute the fruits of everyone’s efforts.

A company that acts to reduce its impact and is committed to global carbon neutrality

The carbon assessment carried out with GoodPlanet in 2019 established that our carbon emissions (including emails sent by our customers) were equivalent to 578 tonnes of CO2e, or 58 circumnavigations of the earth by car

Following this assessment, we implemented various actions to reduce our carbon emissions by 25%:

  • Waste sorting and recovery.
  • Educating and raising awareness among employees (Climate Fresco)
  • Optimising travel and encouraging soft mobility : teleworking, sustainable mobility plan (Mobil’Acteurs Challenge, introduction of the Sustainable Mobility Package, electric bikes available), preferential use of the train, etc.
  • Enhancement of the Digitaleo product with new functionalities (database cleaning, inactive persons management rule, creation of eco-designed emailing integrated into the platform, etc.).
  • Educating and raising awareness among our customers to explain the benefits of “communicating less but better”.
  • Responsible Digital Labelling (2022)


We have also given thought to managing our incompressible emissions :

  • Establishment of a partnership with EcoTree to identify a CO2e capture mechanism through the creation of carbon sinks for us and our customers.
  • Commitment to a 2021-2025 carbon capture plan to contribute to global carbon neutrality: planting around 3,000 trees a year in Brittany (i.e. 15 hectares by 2025).
  • Option for our customers to buy trees in Brittany to capture the CO2 equivalent of their email campaigns.

Our actions since the carbon audit


on travel-related emissions thanks to teleworking

20% target

reduction in the number of emails sent by our customers by 2025


trees planted for reforestation in Brittany, France

Our beloved partners

Our 1st label

  • Member of Produit en Bretagne.
  • Developing employment in Rennes: recruitment, job dating, Pôle Emploi workshops to support jobseekers.
  • General interest initiatives: partnership with Proxité, hosting organisations to present digital professions.
  • Responsible purchasing: local and/or responsible suppliers.

Our beloved partners

A company in close touch with its customers

  • Personalised monitoring and support 🤝: an Account Manager and Customer Success pair is on hand at roll-out and throughout the project to reinforce the uses of the platform.
  • Taking account of customer feedback 💭: continuous improvement, easy-to-use platform, interviews, beta test customers.


out of 256 Trustpilot reviews


customer training sessions per year


of turnover invested in R&D

So, are you ready to join us?

Contact us