The platform that simplifies your local communications

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All the marketing levers you need to generate traffic and build customer loyalty

direct marketing home

Direct Marketing

Easily design and send campaigns: email, SMS, landing page, print, voice message.

👉 Save your communication templates to gain time.

Social Media Management

Simply organise your communication on social media to animate your local community.

👉 Schedule the publication of Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin posts from your computer, tablet or mobile.

operation social media
Presence Management

Presence Management

Improve your local referencing on Google and the main audience hubs.

👉Follow our recommendations to optimise your business profile and share your information on Google, Waze, Apple map…

Review Management

Control and improve your establishment’s e-reputation.

👉 A single inbox to process all your Google and Facebook customer reviews in real time.

notification review management
ads home

Local Ads

Display targeted ads on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

👉 Improve the impact of your advertising messages and optimise your return on investment.

More than 13,000 points of sale already trust us 🎉

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